Retrofit (roll-out elements of the BATZ series) of KRU cells

Retrofit of KRU cells: implies  replacement of the old roll-out element with a new device with a vacuum or gas switch already installed on it, a control unit and other elements. Such cell renewal is not accompanied by installation work to replace the old switch, so it is carried out much faster and does not require a long shutdown of consumers. The complete interchangeability of the old and new roll-out element is ensured due to the identity of their overall and connecting dimensions, as well as due to the thoughtful coupling of locks and secondary switching circuits.

Nomenclature of roll-out elements: K-26, K-12, K-37, KRU-2-10, 4KVS-24, K-IIIy/K-VIy, RSW-10/I, HL-4/8, HG-3/8, K-47, K-49, K-59, K-104, KM-1F, KRUN-6(10), КМ-1, КМ-1М, CSIM, K-XV/K-XXVII

Being a manufacturer of roll-out elements, the Bryansk Electrotechnical Plant offers various reconstruction options to customers for consideration. To date, the company has a wide range of products  roll-out elements for the KRU produced in the former USSR, Eastern and Western Europe.



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